The chain reaction, our body, the way we move, the way we interact with our environment is one big continuous series of a chain reaction.
When I was in Michigan, USA, at the Grays Institute, we went through this concept a lot. Our movements rely on the chain reaction. Let's take walking as an example.
When we begin to walk, our heel and foot land on the floor, this causes the heel to bend to the inner side, and it causes the foot to drop. Which in turn causes the lower leg to rotate inwards, causing the knee to rotate inwards, and bend inwards, and creating the thigh to rotate inwards and angle inwards.
The leg is turning and bending causes his big glute muscles to be activated, causing them to be spring-loaded so that it would propel us forwards.
At this point, our back leg has already been activated to be lifted off the floor to swing across the front leg.
In the process of the back leg swinging across, the body moves forward, on top and passing the ankle, the ankle bends, causing an activation of the deep lower leg muscles, holding back any further bend to the ankle, which causes the knee to straighten, and the hips to extend.
The process creates a torque in the body.
And finally, we are left with the back leg now being the front leg.
With the back leg being in front, has created this developing torque through the body, a force that travels to the top of the spine, the head, and arms.
With this torque, there are activations of muscles within the spine, energy transference within the spine itself. Activation of the muscle in front of the back leg, all working to propel the back leg forward.
During or osteopathic examination and evaluation, we can see how a chain reaction could be compromised, how a lesion or dysfunction could hinder an efficient chain reaction, or how a compromised chain reaction could be the source of the dysfunction.
Our body is neurologically and mechanically developed for this chain reaction. Also, we can adapt to changes in a chain reaction, whether it be walking, learning a new movement, or compensation for an injury. Being aware of this and allowing an osteopath to observe your chain reaction, could help you maintain an efficient functional chain reaction."